- "The Barton Reading & Spelling System" helped my 2nd grade son, Joey, finally figure it out.. He was STRUGGLING not only with reading, but with feeling stupid. After one school year and one summer of tutoring he was a different kid! I can't express my gratitude to Pg and this amazing system that helped my son." ~ Gina, San Jose, ca.
- "My son has always struggled with reading. The beginning of 5th grade he was reading at second grade level. After only one year of tutoring with the Barton system, he was reading at grade level. I'm very proud of his progress and he is more confident in himself! ~ Pam, Parent of former student now in high school
- "My eighth grade daughter had been diagnosed with learning disabilities, and has been struggling with reading all of her life, even with services from her school with an I.E.P.. I think another problems she faces is that English is not our first language at our home... but I am pleasantly pleased to say that only after eight months of tutoring she has advanced to grade level and she is a happier nicer sister and I am happier mother that I don't always yell to do homework! I could not be happier person with the results! ~ Nagom, Sunnyvale stay-at-home Mother of four.